
Here are some pix that ive took as to update d babies~

Today's Agenda

So far half of my day is hectic and alhamdulillah my mission is accomplished in selling off Kim and Bush. I sold it off coz my sis and I got no time to look after them and also coz we'll be away soon for couple of days. Therefore, would like to thank to zie and pl for buying them ^_- hopefully kim&bush stays healthy and happy with their new owners xoxo


weee~ here r d new born babies~ d momy gave birth to 2 babies only and obviously with the unknown gender hehe the 1st baby was on d left named puff and d other is puffy which is on the right side of d momy~ basically this r Choosy's babies~ too bad we were a bit late to see how Choosy gave birth to these lil cute guineas coz we were busy outside earlier else i would have taken a vid out of it and post it here to share it to u guys ... moreover, ive cleaned the cages earlier and decided to transfer these momma n lil babies to the blue cage... ima post later their close up view of the lil babies~ 

D.O.B: 19/05/2010
Name : Puff & Puffy
Time  : 2+ pm


Finally my exams r all over~~~ still not satisfy with today's exam ..not coz of the paper but me for waking up late~dang it! oh well now onwards, i can fully focusing on my guineas and thnks to my sis for helpin me out on feedin' them etc 

2day's agenda, ima clean up their cage and its time to mate the otha guineas. Plannin' to mate Shadow with Kim while Bossy with Shady and idk how that gona ends up ...proly ima buy their new fav food later since been noticing that they really did enjoy eating their new fav food so i guess ima stick with that for a while or maybe not ...hmm *thinkin' mode*

ive been thinkin' lately to sell of Bush and Shady since their color r similar and hyperactive and coz too many guineas to handle tho my part is jst feeding and cleaning yet idk... maybe im lazy coz in need of holidays for fill up my energy back n all ... overall im still thinkin' abt it coz my sis was right at some points that Shady's the loudest n hyperactive n jinak-ish so therefore if ima sell it, i might miss her n bush too not to forget lol 

oh well, ima just wait for the right time then ima decide it agn lol 



@ Rez - both have Y shape and what u can do is press gently on that area and if got bulgy pointing out then thats a male unlike female ones is relatively small. hope this helps yah in identifying it *winx*

My 3rd Guinea Pig

this is my newly guineas. bought them last saturday though hehe the guinea where the arrow is pointing is a male named bush whereas the other is named as kim. yeah guess the names we gave rings the bell to u guys and yes! we named it after kim and bush, reason why? no idea. just pop out from my sista's head! lol here my sis and i more into kim coz she got two in color only and she doesnt run away whenever my sis wanna hold her. both of them are still baby-ish so yeah kim lovvvvvveeeeeee to stay in the half mini house of hers and its located on the 1st floor of their cage coz its too crowded if place it on the ground floor ... while bush more like shady in a way... 

when we bought them, i wanted to see how it looks like so i asked my sis to open up d box and that time, we were still in d car ... not for long after my sis opened it, bush followed by kim jumped out of the box and went all over the place... the ones hard to get was kim coz she hid almost inside the aircon part... guess the ex-owner was for real when he said they do jumped a lot lol never underestimate these two guineas though they r still baby lol as for now, they r still shy2 ^_^


this is SS couple. they got cleaned as well as their cage and gave them d mini corns and cabbage. they really love eating the mini corns. the ones got a lot of brown color is shady (girl) and she does make me furious and annoyed most of the time coz shes d loudest of all and very the jurit-ish ...its like she makes her partner in a way scared of her coz as if she rules the cage hehe on the other hand, shadows still maintain its low profile and quiet type which is the opposite of shady's behaviour. like earlier, the food was like everywhere in the cage coz she kept on running around the cage... shes very pain in d ass ! still shes cute and shes getting plump as well hehe overall these two guineas r way opposite from echother ...thats all i can say abt them hehe


This is Choosy (Bossy's wifey) and as y'all can see shes very healthy lol she does gain weight obviously ehehe
at first i thought shes jst being plumpy since been pampering them with their daily meal but then my sister and i have noticed that she seems preggy and it was very obvious coz shes in a pear shape, she lays and drink a lot and when i say a lot it means veryyyyyy~ lol well shes a type of hyper-active usually but these days..hell no~ all she did is drinking and lying in the cage. and yea i forgot to mention this that shes very aggressive and sensitive these days... pretty much its all preggy signs ..hopefully im right on this and if im right, proly she'll be giving birth this month and im quite not sure when exctly ...

hehe whats more about her is, she kept on poking Bossy whenever my sis or me fill up their food and its really funny to see such behaviour of hers ... ima take a vid of it once i got d time hehe thats all about her for now guys

this is Bossy and we kinda called him c 'lampuh' since last mth coz he got plump obviously and its really cute and very d jinak-ish dah coz before he kept on hesitating type but now na-aaaaa~ he aint that kinda type anymore ... as y'all see it in the pix, he didnt noty-noty and surprisingly stay still sudah whenever we fur-drying him coz we bathed him and the others (2nd batch) earlier ... very cute huh~very the chubby-ish and cute-ness of him ... overall my sis and i very like him lorh coz hes very jinak and plump compare from the others.. as of now, he's in a healthy and well-behaved stage than the rest ^_- xoxo him!